Case Study

NOMO is a proven technology designed to make fishkeeping and aquarium maintenance simple and truly enjoyable.

The Challenge
The Innovation
Frequent Water Changes
The fishkeeping industry has struggled to keep up with technology over the years. One of the greatest fishkeeping challenges is frequent water changes. 2 week water change cycles are typical.
Clear Water
MannMade developed a novel and inexpensive main processing board to keep the water clear and clean with microcurrents. This unique approach allows for no water changes for up to 2 years. The design also allows for easy installation on the side of a fish tank.
120 Volt Power
Current regulatory tests can be very expensive. And introducing high current mains power into an in-tank system intruduces signficant regulatory challenges. Many fishkeeping electronics introduce bulky plugs and extension cords.
Solar Powered
MannMade developed a solar charging system to maintain a small battery. The solar panel collects light from the lights already used on fish tanks. This unique approach eliminates the need for UL listing and a mess
of wires.
Competing Products
Many products in the electronics industry are being copied and sold as competing devices. Many times patents and intellectual property cannot protect international markets.
Proprietary Firmware
We designed the main processing board with
proprietary firmware to protect the Nomo design and intellectual property.
Product Success!
Nomo’s success has assisted in bringing about a revolutionary product and crowdfunding
Nomo is successfully selling these units, and looking to scale rapidly and globally.